The National Motorcycle Museum of Australia

Credits and Attributions

Photographers, enthusiasts, motorcycle businesses and other contributors to the National Motorcycle Museum of Australia

Phil Aynsley is internationally renowned as a photographer who has produced thousands of stunning images, including a good many from private collections and museums in Europe, America and Australia.

Black Diamond Images has been kind enough to many photos of the museum exterior, its halls and collections, and even the identification plaques for motorcycles and memorabilia.

John Holt supplied a number of fine images from his 2015 visit.
Greg Smith spent several hours at the museum in May 2016 and produced some fine shots.

Tex Bundy painting

Photo courtesy Matt Brading
Orginal painting by Paula Maggs

Photograph of the Militaire and others kindly supplied by Andrew Durnford

Mike Kelley, Chapter President, Maryland VRA has been good enough to contribute several images along with text renditions of the identification plaques.

Several images including one of the Vincent Black Knight courtesy Sam Ishibashi

Many photographs courtesy


© 1997-2025 National Motorcycle Museum AU

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